That's a wrap for the record-setting 2022-23 winter season at Jackson Hole. 595" of snow fell making this winter the snowiest, deepest ever recorded in Rendezvous Bowl! These past months have raced by, fueled by fresh flakes cascading onto our slopes and ample time sliding on snow. The "Teton trickle" felt more like a firehose at times, and the sun was most-elusive. Skiers and snowboarders rejoiced throughout the season and indulged in high-quality powder snow countless days. 

The top three years for snowfall between October 1 and April 9 in Rendezvous Bowl are this year, 2016-17 with 590 inches and 1996-97 with 585 inches, according to the Jackson Hole Avalanche Lab and the Bridger-Teton National Forest Avalanche Center. We experienced our snowiest winter ever while reporting 41 days with 6 inches or more of new snow!

Closing Day yesterday was the long-awaited sun-drenched spring skiing and riding weather we're accustomed to seeing this time of year. What a wild winter to only have one spring was definitely a "relentless" and snowy season!


March was miraculous and we thought it best to put how absurdly snowy last month was into perspective:

  • 116" of total snowfall at the Rendezvous Bowl plot. This is the 4th-most snow recorded in 57 years of record-keeping and 186% of our monthly average.
  • 126" of total snowfall at the Raymer plot. This is the 3rd-most snow recorded in the last 25 years and 167% of our monthly average.
  • 41" at the Base plot, which is 205% above our historic average of 20".
  • Days with sunlight: 3 (Maybe? It sure felt like it).

March ended up being the second-snowiest month this season behind December. Spring hardly showed up; heck, Saturday night of Rendezvous Spring Festival happened in a winter storm warning and blizzard conditions!

Sometimes, though, it's best to gauge how satisfying a winter was based on how we feel about it. What memories arise when reflecting on all this snow? What emotions will fuel your next winterous adventures at Jackson Hole? Thank you to everyone who skied or snowboarded here this season, we hope you enjoyed all the powder!

Winter at Jackson Hole has been relentlessly satisfying this season! Fresh flakes have fallen furiously across the Tetons and JHMR since early November, with hardly a glimpse of sun or high pressure throughout. Such abundant snowfall is a stark contrast to last winter, which has made every powder day just a little bit sweeter. This season is one that we hoped for back when summer languished into October; a return to plentiful powder days and deep coverage across the Resort. Tram laps, boot packs, and your favorite powder stash, exploding gazex meant snowy 'staches, electric smiles and hearty laughs. 


Pre-season conditions were a mouth-watering appetizer for the rest of winter, with just over five feet falling in November. Big Red began transporting passengers to the powder paradise of the upper mountain on just the second Saturday of the season, the earliest it has opened in over a decade. Full-throttle from the get-go, this season has been flush with records, statistically speaking. Let's dive in and recap each month thus far.

The Aerial Tram during an inversion


It was a December to remember. Opening Day for the Aerial Tram was a bluebird powder day, which felt like a dream. Like, there's no way this season's starting this well. Throughout the month, lifts and terrain continued to open ahead of schedule due to plenty of powder days providing prime conditions. Our brand new Thunder Lift opened on December 10 and it came as advertised: fast. And just in time for the Holidays, too. All-told, December was our snowiest month (thus far) with 121" (150% of average) blanketing Rendezvous Bowl and settling to a depth of 69" (120% of average).

View from below the bottom terminal of Thunder with the Aerial Trams floating overhead.


January was another above-average month of snowfall, culminating with 110" (137% of average). Between January 27-29, we had record two- and three-day storm totals: on January 27 and 28, we received 41"; tack on another 5" on the 29 and you get some of the best skiing and riding conditions ever at Jackson Hole. Consistently cold temperatures averaging near 16 degrees kept the snow in the "blower pow" category. This aforementioned storm provided picturesque conditions in Corbet's Couloir for the annual Kings & Queens competition spectacle.

Total snowfall of 350" and a settled snow depth of 90" at the end of January set the stage for the best Kings & Queens of Corbet's yet, with never-before-seen tricks into the Couloir, including the first double-backflip attempt by a female competitor, Veronica Paulsen. You can relive the incredible action in 4K below!


Following Kings & Queens, the second half of February was DEEP. We received over five feet in less than two weeks, totaling 95" in Rendezvous Bowl (135% of average) and resulting in a top-10 February of all-time! Average daily mean temps were roughly 17 degrees, meaning "cold smoke" conditions and snow that stuck around, adding to our healthy coverage. The settled snow depth for the season at the end of the month was 116" (124% of average) and total snowfall was 445", much higher than the historical average of 326".

The snowy trend has continued into March, and at the time of writing this we have received another 41". Though spring skiing under bluebird skies sounds lovely, powder skiing and riding is really what we're all here for. Current forecasts indicate that powder will persist deeper into the month, thankfully! So, what does 40+ feet of total snowfall mean for the remainder of the season?

Over 500" of snowfall and consistently cold temps throughout this season have resulted in deep, complete coverage across the Resort. Once the sun climbs higher in the sky and temps begin to rise, we'll truly be thankful for such a snowy winter as we ski and ride prime spring conditions until the last chair spins on April 9.

The best way to celebrate spring skiing and an end to the season is with weekly free live music, culminating with Rendezvous Spring Festival March 31 and April 1. The Road to Rendezvous leads us to our annual celebration of winter, with concerts under the tram beginning at 3 p.m. every Saturday.

Every season is a blank canvas upon which the skiers and riders who flock to Jackson Hole paint their passions. 500" is a lofty milestone we hunger for each year, but a number is just a number after all. Behind it are countless stories and memories etched into the tome of winter. We hope you were able to ski or ride with us this season. If not, we hope you'll visit next winter! 

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