The evolution of disc golf in Jackson Hole continues in 2023! The Sweetwater Course has been given an upgrade this year. In addition to a slight redesign to improve the course, tee pads have been vastly improved. New tee signs, improved mowing and trimming, teepad brooms, and a new course map kiosk are also huge improvements to the course. A big shout out to JHMR staff and tons of Teton Disc Golf Club volunteers for making this happen. 

Legacy Course - an extra 9 holes! 

The old 2015 course is back - with a black diamond twist. Finalized for the 8th annual Teton Toss, we now have an additional 9 holes, bringing our course to 27 holes! Some old original course favorites are back, with a new hole H, which is a monster 767' shot downhill 124'. Be sure to check out the course map on UDisc and don't forget to give it a throw by joining the 2 courses after Sweetwater hole 13. 

Teton Toss #8

Group photo!
The annual tournament took place August 19, 2023, on a glorious overcast day in Teton Village. The day started early with check-in opening at 8am. Ace runs to win a basket and numerous other sweet raffle prizes started off the deck with hoots and hollers at holes-in-one and close shots. After a group photo, players got to ride up the Sweetwater Gondola to relieve some uphill initial burden. A shotgun start at 10am, and players proceeded to crush some course records! 3 aces were made during the tournament, and an incredible 18 under par took home the Pro division's trophy, made by the winner Erin Hemmings. 

Some much needed chill time happened post round, after around 5 miles of course hiking and around 500 vertical feet of elevation change. Ace runs continued and players upped the raffle ante significantly! See results below. 


Tournament Aces
Hole 8 Nathan Hough
Hole E Nick Staten
Hole 18 Travis Collins

#1 Finishers in Each Division
Pro  Erin Hemmings -18
Amateur 1 Jake Collins -11
Amateur 3 Nick Staten -5
Women's Amateur Kesley Roberts +12
Masters Travis Collins -7

Full Results

Teton Disc Golf Club Events

The Club remains active 2x/week, with Sunday League night singles starting at 5pm, and Tuesday doubles starting at 6pm (check our social pages for updates as darkness pushes back the start time to 5pm in early September).